Monday 5 January 2015

Exposing some flesh won't kill... Adunni Ade

Born to a Nigerian father and an American/German mother, Adunni Adewale is a fast-rising star in the Nigerian movie industry. Popularly known as Adunni Ade, the beautiful actress, in this interview with DOYIN ADEOYE, speaks on why she relocated to Nigeria, her style and career among other things.

Adunni Adewale as a brand
In terms of brand, I would say that I am a hardworking, dedicated and a strong-minded person. I believe in hard work to attain my best in my choice of career.
Growing up
Just like everyone, we all have one story or the other to tell and mine is no exception. Overall, my childhood groomed me to be my best as I am today.

Childhood dreams
I had quite a few childhood dreams which I am living one at the moment, as an actress, although I still have a long way to go. Another one of my childhood dreams was to meet Celine Dion which I came close to in 2006, but it ended up not happening.
Foray into modelling
I think the love for being out there expressing myself in various means other than verbally, lured me into modelling. I love being a model, I just grew to have the passion for it.
Being on America’s next top model
It was a splendid experience for me. Being given the opportunity to showcase my talent on that platform was a bundle of emotions I can’t express. Although due to personal reasons, I didn’t go too far, but it still remains an experience I will always cherish.
Why I relocated to Nigeria
People often think I moved back to Nigeria to make it here. But the thing is I can make it anywhere I choose to, with all my hard work. No criticism would have been made if I relocated to Paris and I believe if I’m known worldwide, then the claiming would begin. I am human just like everyone else. I had personal issues that contributed to my relocating back to Nigeria.
Challenges faced while trying to break into the big scene
Trying is not what I do, I put in 100 per cent at everything I do. And obviously, it may not be easy breaking into the big scene in the Nigerian movie industry, but I don’t focus on the negativity. I do what I do best which is to transform into a character and be convincing at that. I had a lot of challenges, but thank God, I’m still here today.
What kept me going
It is nothing but my boldness to be versatile. I will keep doing what I know how to do best no matter what it takes.
Why I started online comedy skits
I just wanted to show people what I’ve got. I have a big and bubbly personality and I thought I could share it all with everyone because putting smiles on other people’s faces fills my heart with joy. I wouldn’t say that I am funny or that I am a comedian. But aside that, I’ve always been the type that just love to make people around me smile.
My skin colour
Unfortunately, my skin colour has not been a plus for me. Nigeria is full of negativity. Sometimes I wonder how a person in his right mind dare approach me on some nonsense outside of construct work guidelines. I am certainly not your average all natural light skinned female. I choose to work hard and let that pay me rather than get loose and be mocked around town.
Being in a male dominated comedy industry
I don’t care who is dominating a spot in the entertainment industry. As long as you are not blocking the way to my pocket, then we are good. I don’t play with my work.
Coping with competition in the industry
Who is my competition? I see no one but myself. My competition is myself. The industry is big enough for us all. The earlier people recognised that it is better to focus more on oneself, the better and I am trailing that part. The better they get at their talent and their creativity, the better.
My motivation
I think it is basically my surroundings and my life. I get inspired by the happenings around me.
Thrills about being an actress
I love being able to transform into different characters. Playing different roles as an actress gives one the chance to see life from a different perspective and that is exciting.
Life as a single mother
It takes two to make a baby, but a real parent is one that would do whatever they could do best without hesitation; to give the best to their children. Without thoughts of hardship, you just do it and think about them first. I just thank God for His grace.
Relationship with my sons’ father
We are good. We are actually friends.
My sons and I...
Who would carry a child for nine months plus, almost losing their lives and the life of their child in the process and not have that child’s best interest at heart? I love them with every bit of me. They are my rock, my life, my motivation and my everything. I doubt if anyone can take that spot.
Coping with sexual harassment on the job
Anything contrary to what is right is wrong. Sexual harassment is a big ‘NO’ for me and I can’t take it from anyone.
People’s reservations about my dress sense
Do I look like I care? I sleep well at night.
Opinion on actresses and provocative dressing
Who am I to judge a person based on appearance or anything at that? Like I always say, if you like it, I love it, meaning if you’re not complaining on your actions, why should I? Whatever makes you comfortable and happy, it is your decision.
Opinion on acting nude
I am biased with my thoughts. Showing some skin won’t kill, but showing a lot more than necessary could be somehow, but then if the person in question isn’t complaining, why should you?
Opinion on toning
Honestly, I can’t differentiate between toning and bleaching. I personally don’t even use lotion. I just treat my hands and feets only and that’s all.
Pains and gains of being a celebrity
The pains of being a celebrity is that people often forget that you have blood running through your body just like them. Many times, people expect you to be perfect and that can be difficult.
How I improve my craft
I keep myself updated in my craft. I like to read and I also practice because practice makes perfection.
If I could star in the remake of a classic movie...
I would love to play Rose’s character in Titanic. I am a love freak and I would love to see myself play such a role.
Favourite Nigerian and international actor
Among African actors, that would be Rita Dominic, Genevieve Nnaji,  Ramsey Noah, Ini Edo, Mercy Johnson, Majid Mikel and Yvonne Nelson. And on the international scene, I love Angelina Jolie, Jamie Foxx, Denzel Washington and Keri Washington, just to name a few.
Who I look up to
I don’t rely on humans, but I do have people who motivate me.
Coping with my male admirers
To my male admires, I just have one thing to say. Thank you.
My ideal man...
I don’t ask for much, but I ask for one thing and that is love.
My greatest physical asset
That would be my smile.
Likes and dislikes
I like what is right. I dislike a liar and a thief. I feel anyone that has these two attitudes could kill you without you knowing.
Fashion sense
As long as I feel good in it, I’ll rock it. That is my principle.
Favourite accessory
I love my heels, I doubt if that’s an accessory, but it is my best accessory.
Beauty regimen
It is water and milk bath. With that, I am good to go.
Favourite colour
I love royal blue and purple.
Favourite holiday spot
I love the country cabins in the winter.
Most expensive item in my wardrobe
I have quite a few, but topping the list would be my shoes.
Philosophy of life
Rely only on God. Work hard, stay focused and the result will show for itself.

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