Monday 25 May 2015

How I sold 39 cars to Mayweather

Obi Okeke is the co-owner of American based prestige car dealership, Fusion Luxury Motors. His clientele list includes Floyd Mayweather, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Britney Spears and the likes. He speaks with DOYIN ADEOYE in this interview on his foray into being a celebrity car dealer, among other issues. Excerpts:

How I carved a niche for myself
I would say it is the result of me following my passion for cars. I’ve always stayed true to myself in the automotive industry and it has always paid off. My focus was always to learn, and try to be the best. I always knew what I wanted, but did not know exactly how to get there. So after years of trial and error here I am. I’ve always appreciated every opportunity that came my way.

Foray into being a car enthusiast
The journey began when I was only four years old. I remember being very intrigued with automobiles while in Nigeria. My father at that time had a classic American car in Enugu, Nigeria, and he would take us for a ride in it on Sundays.
So when the Nigerian Civil War broke out, my mother took us out of Nigeria; we were five children at that time. My father, being a Nigerian, had to stay and fight in the war. So my mother, my sisters, brothers and I arrived in the USA as refugees.

My mother worked in a hospital in Ohio as a dietician, with the responsibility of taking care of five children. And it was during that period that my love for cars continued to grow. Since my mother worked so hard and so many hours at the hospital, we really could not go out on our own as little children, so I remember sitting at the front window of our house watching the cars go by. I just liked to watch cars.
So the combination of being exposed to cars in Nigeria, Switzerland and the USA acted as a catalyst that propelled my love of the automobile. At age 15, I knew that the car business would be my future.

Taking up car business as a career
I started the car business at age 23, and got into it full time at the age of 25 when I felt it was time for me to forge forward with 100 per cent commitment in the automobile business. The influencing factor was that I needed a job, and I felt the time was now.

Brand of cars I’ve dealt in and how the chain has changed over the years
The first automobile brand that I started with was Chevrolet. I have dealt in Volkswagen, Lexus, BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Maserati and Ferrari, Lamborghini, Rolls-Royce, Bugatti, Bentley, Aston Martin, etc.
The car business has changed a lot over the years. Buyers today more educated due to the internet. There is a plethora of information available for the public to access, but not all of it is accurate when it comes to some of the exotic cars, super cars, hyper cars, and muscle cars that we carry.
The level of service and client attention has diminished over the years. A client who spends $3 million expects to be treated differently from a client that spends $300, 000. Most of the time, the level of service is below their expectation.

Growing into a celebrity car dealer
I did not focus on being a celebrity dealer when I started; I focused on being the best dealer in taking care of the clients’ needs, from sales to service. I love cars and I love people, but most importantly, I am willing to work harder than the next guy to satisfy a client. If I need to be in Miami, Abu Dhabi, Milan Italy, New York, Tokyo, Dallas Texas, I will be there.
So some clients call me to refer them to a High End Resort in Las Vegas that may be sold out, or to help them get into a five star restaurant. It's more than just selling cars. It's establishing a relationship. Whatever it takes, I am ready.
My big break came when I got a call from Arnold Schwarzenegger. From there, I joined a Ferrari/Maserati dealership and kept going until I opened Fusion Luxury Motors with my partner.

Passion keeps Fusion Luxury Motors going
Fusion Luxury Motors has been in business since 2012 and I can say that passion and hard work are what keeps it going. We all love what we do.

How I met Floyd Mayweather
I met Floyd Mayweather for the first time back in 2008/2009, when I managed a Ferrari / Maserati dealership. So when I opened Fusion Luxury Motors, a business associate brought him to Fusion Luxury Motors in 2013 when we were just over a year old.

Transacting business with Mayweather
The first car I sold to Floyd was a 2013 Rolls-Royce “Phantom Drophead.” The Drophead is what I call an "Exclusive Propulsion Machine." It is quieter than a house. So Floyd came into Fusion Luxury Motors and said “Obi, is this your place?” I said “yes Floyd.” He then said “Obi, I am going to support you.”
I will never forget that day. We are a small company trying to accomplish big things, and we got a big boost from the richest athlete in the world. I just thank God for all his blessings.

Total cars I’ve sold to Floyd
We have transacted with Floyd Mayweather 39 cars.

Why I organised the car rally, ‘Mayweather Unlimited’ ahead of the Mayweather/Pacquiao fight
What Floyd Mayweather has done for my company, Fusion Luxury Motors and my family has been incredible. He is the most generous person that I have ever met in my life. I see what he has done for so many people around him. I did the Mayweather Unlimited Rally, just to show him my support as a friend. I did not know that he was going to post a video on his Facebook Page.
I have been solicited by an entity in Nigeria to bring Floyd Mayweather to Nigeria for an appearance, and a workout session with a sparring partner. Hopefully the Nigerian entity can put this together, because Floyd Mayweather and I are ready to go to Nigeria.

Other celebrities on my clientele list
Over the years I have dealt with Arnold Schwarzenegger, Britney Spears, Chris Tucker, Jessica Simpson, P-Diddy, just to name a few. There are lots of celebrities that I do business with.

Coping with competition in luxury car dealership business
Fusion Luxury Motors stands out because we are very driven. If there is a deal to be made, I will open at 1a.m., 2a.m., 3a.m. or anytime with coffee, doughnuts, dinner; whatever you want. If you want Fusion Luxury Motors to deliver two Bugattis from Los Angeles to Miami Florida in less than 72 hours, we are ready.

What thrills me about my job
I love what I do, so it’s like I don't have a job. When I drive to work in the morning, it's like I am going to an environment to have fun. I find myself very lucky. I am grateful for what I have.

What it takes to sell luxury cars
It requires very high skill set. You must have very extensive knowledge about all cars, engine components, suspension, transmissions, auto technology, including how to handle different client personalities, client buying habits, current auto trends, with High End Automobile sales experience, just to name a few. I have been doing this since I was quite young, so I have seen just about every different scenario. My level of experience dictates that I stay mentally about 10 to 20 minutes ahead of the client.

Secret to making your clients continue to do business with you
Respect. That is the first thing. The second thing is to give them a level of service that they have not experienced. If you give a client a high level of service that they cannot get anywhere else, there only option is to come back to you.

The civil war experience
It was quite traumatic and sad escaping from Nigeria during the civil war. We were being bombed in Nigeria like a lot of the population. We took a small boat from Oron, to Douala, Cameroon. From there we flew out to New York. We were very fortunate. We went to live in a nice small town called Findlay Ohio. It was very safe back in the day. My mother would drive to the store, get out of the car and leave the keys in the ignition. There was not much to do there really, but it was a great place to raise children.

Family background
My father is Engineer Obiukwu C. Okeke, a Civil Engineer in Enugu currently. His company is Obiukwu Okeke Associates. Our village is Nnewi. My mother is Wilda Okeke, and she is from Ohio. My parents have been married for more than 56 years.

Childhood memories
I have great memories of back in the day being at “Sports Club Enugu,” the “Ikoyi Hotel” Lagos, and riding horses on Bar Beach, Victoria Island. These memories make me miss Nigeria quite a bit. Lagos was a very very exciting place. Right now I am very excited about Eko Atlantic in Nigeria.

Have you been to Nigeria since then?
I go to Nigeria a lot. Back in 2011, I spent five weeks in Nigeria. I plan to go back to Nigeria this year. You know we all have to go back to Nigeria and eat some Egusi soup with pounded yam. Speaking about it is making me hungry.

Do you also transact business in Nigeria?
Yes, we just sold a vehicle to an Attorney in Abuja, and a Nigerian in Austin Texas. I am thinking of doing a partnership with a Nigerian entity in Nigeria. If we had a location in Nigeria, there is a tremendous amount that Fusion Luxury Motors could offer in Nigeria due to our extensive experience, and global network. I think Lagos or Abuja would be suitable for a location.

You are an inspiration to many Nigerian youths, what advice do you have for them?
I have been contacted by more than 1,000 Nigerians. My advice is, always try to do the right thing and never ever, ever give up on yourself. Do not chase the money, instead chase your dreams, and chase what you love. If you do that the money will follow. Always be humble, and be willing to learn. Be willing to help others if you are in a position to do so.
If you try something and fail, pick yourself up and keep moving. Do not be ashamed, because it is part of the learning process. The key to success, nobody knows. The key to failure is trying to please everyone. Remember you cannot please everyone, so don’t try to.

If someone should ask you what your story is, in few words, how would you sum it up?
If you have a dream, but you do not see a path to your dream, then make your own path. A person that never takes a chance will never have a chance.

How do you relax?
I love to relax with my family. We watch movies, go swimming, travel. We love to go to the Wynn Las Vegas Resort, and get a Cabana, or go to Cancun Mexico, San Francisco, New York, Disney World, or just stay home and have fun.

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