Sunday 30 November 2014

Sexual harassment occurs everywhere, even among animals —Belinda Effah

Belinda Effah is a versatile actress, with many awards to show for it. Starting off as a housemate in the Next Movie Star show in 2006, her career has been on a smooth sail since. She speaks with Doyin Adeoye on her career, Belinda’s Advocacy Against Rape and her style, among other issues. Exerpts:
Foray into acting
I came into the industry in 2005. My first appearance on the screen was when I featured in a soap opera entitled “Shallow Waters”. Subsequently, I featured in a reality TV show, Next Movie Star in 2006 and I was one of the last standing housemates. After the show, it was quite difficult penetrating the industry, so I had to take a lot of time, treading the waters, while also harnessing my talent in the process, because it didn’t come easy. So the breakthrough eventually came for me in 2011.
I was on one of my social media handles when I received a message from a producer that he would like to cast me for his upcoming series and I was called for an audition. Although, I was skeptical, being an online conversation, I took my time before going and eventually I was handed a lead role in the series. It has just been a smooth sail afterwards.
The Next Movie Star experience
It was a major platform for me. Whatever I am today, I always like to give back to DIM for giving me such a wonderful opportunity. If Belinda is being credited as an amazing actress, it is because of the platform I got from the Next Movie Star. I was a total novice prior to that. All I had was the passion to do it, but the show fine-tuned me into a total actress. I was sad that I didn’t win, I felt discouraged, but I had to put myself together. So, I decided to leverage on what I had, which is the platform. I polished up my acting skills and used it when the opportunity called for it and here I am today.
Getting roles after the show
It wasn’t as easy as I thought. The show was on for a month, I was on TV every other day, people saw us and enjoyed the show and people recognised me here and there after I left the House in 2006, so I felt producers would call me, offering me roles, but that was not the case. It didn’t come easy at all, I didn’t start getting regular roles until 2011, probably because the condition in the industry is very stiff; there are amazing and fantastic actors in the industry already. So, I had to prove I was different, I was persistent during the long wait, until opportunities presented itself. I featured in a lot of movies and won many awards, most of which came from Kokoma, where I played the lead character. I won AMMA, NMA, GIAMA, BON awards among others. I thank God I turned out to be a successful actress.
How my success story began between 2012 and now
I give all the glory to God. God has always been ordering my steps and I try to do my own homework as an actor so that if I have the opportunity, I won’t be found wanting.
Why I featured in a Yoruba movie
I am a very versatile actress and despite the fact that I concentrate more on English movies, when I get a script and I like it, I disregard the fact of whether it is Yoruba, Igbo, Hausa, or whatever language. I think it is actually a challenge for me to be versatile as an actress and to learn every language and be able to express myself in diverse ways as an actress. So, I don’t think I should limit myself to doing English movies alone. If I get called for any movie, regardless of the language, if it is a good script, I will do it.  It is a very wonderful experience for me. I have never been to Ibadan to film before and this is my first Yoruba movie ever. I get to speak Yoruba, although it is not fluent, I have the nuances of the language and I understand a little bit of it. I played a role of an Igbo-Yoruba in the movie entitled: “The Investigation”, produced and directed by Abiola Paul, so I’m not expected to speak 100 per cent of Yoruba.
Challenges faced and working around it
At my initial stage, it was all the rejections and the shut doors that got to me. I was at a lot of auditions and most of them didn’t come forth. In fact, even the ones where I got the roles, most of the films were not shot. So it was really frustrating. The life of a struggling actress is not one that you will relish. Good things don’t come easy, it is not going to just fall on your lap, you have to work for it.
Life as a model
It comes with the trade, as an actress, you tend to try your hand on everything. I started as a model, before I became a TV presenter; I used to present for Sound City. It was a mixture of everything, but the acting stood out for me. Back then, it was like just looking for a source of income, at least anything to pay the bills, until the acting thing kicks off. I remember someday in 2005, I was at a saloon in Ikeja when a modeling agent approached me and said he had some products he wanted me to wear and that was how it started.
Which do I find most fulfilling, life as a model, TV presenter, actor
Acting I would say, although it is a total package, when you are an achieved actress, everything falls into space. I am a brand, a lot of people would like to brand me for their products, because of how they perceive my brand. So, that makes me an automatic model.
Most challenging role
For me, every role is challenging, just as the movie we are working on at present. It is challenging because a lot of people have played this role before, but I have to think of what would make my own significant. So, having played the role of a rape victim many times, I think of how to play the role in a way that people will be able to relate with it.
Running NGO
Belinda’s Advocacy Against Rape is my baby. I’ve not really had the time to pursue it the way I wanted. Because of the many roles I’ve played as a rape victim, I felt I could give back to the society. The initiative was to create awareness and let the society know that rape exists and if there are ways to curb it, let us as individuals come together with one voice to say no to it. As you know in Nigeria, fund is always the major inhibition in whatever you are doing.
Role restriction
There is always a limitation, I can’t do nudity, because I don’t think I have got to that mind frame yet. Acting nude is a mindset; it has to do with the mind. My frame of mind right now cannot accommodate that because I am a child of God, and I don’t see anywhere in the Bible that says nudity is good. I could wear a bikini to play a role, because I go to the swimming pool normally. Anything that can go in line with what I do normally is good for me. But to go totally naked, I can’t do it.
Family background
I am from Cross River State, Odugbani Local Government area of Calabar. I am from a large family; my father is an ex-military personnel, while my mother is into business. I am one of the last of a family of 14. It is a challenge on its own, because I have older ones and I have to learn respect and patience. This taught me a lot of things; persistence, perseverance, respect, love and not to hate. When you have a lot of patience, then doors will open for you. Coming from such a large family makes me stronger.
Why I dropped my certificate for acting
Acting is worthwhile for me irrespective of my qualifications; that is where my passion lies. My passion lies with acting and I’ll pursue it with all I have got.
Coping with the competition in the industry
I am not in competition with anyone. I remember when veteran actor, Joke Silva was training us while at the Next Movie Star, she took us out one evening and asked us to look into the sky and we saw so many stars then she said: “the sky is large enough to accommodate all the stars, so there is no need to be in competition with anyone. Don’t try to pull anyone down, just do your thing and with God on your side, you will find your place in the sky.” So for me, the sky is just a stepping stone, I’m not in a competition with anyone.
Sexual harassment on the job
Sexual harassment happens in every sector, even where I used to worked, I was sexually harassed. So I think it is a natural occurrence, because even within animals it happens. So I’m just mature about it, nobody can force you into doing what you don’t want to do.
Relating with my male counterparts
I am a friendly person and also very respectful. I try to smile and always be cheerful with my colleagues. I’ll say I relate well with everyone irrespective of the gender.
Definition of style
Style for me is what makes me comfortable, what makes me stand out wherever I find myself.
Beauty regimen
I try to wash off all the makeup on my face every night before I go to bed and I try as much as possible to eat healthy and work out a lot.
Favourite designer
Zizicado is my favourite designer. I love her designs to a fault.
Favourite accessories
I am not much of an accessory person, as much as I’m not much of a make-up person. I just make use of what accentuates my features. I don’t wear earrings most times because I think they are too heavy for my ears. I’m always good with just my wristwatch.
Favourite colour
I love red.
Favourite perfume
I like the scent of the Gucci perfume.
Opinion on nudity in movies
For me, it is a life. I will not castigate or judge anyone. If you are within my circle and you are doing something that makes me uncomfortable, I would advise you as a friend and if you don’t take to my advice, I’ll keep my distance. But really, I admire some Hollywood actors when they do it, they are so professional about it, and I wish I could do it, but it is basically because of principle.
Opinion on toning
If you have a complexion problem and you feel toning would make you feel better, then, please, go ahead. I don’t have anything against it.
Opinion on provocative dressing
Sometimes you just want to feel sexy, there is nothing wrong with, both on set and off it.
Pains and gains of being a celebrity
It is not having a private life anymore. There are lots of expectations from you and on the other side; it opens a lot of doors for you. There are some things that getting them would have been difficult, now it comes easier.
My ideal man
My ideal man is a God-fearing man that I can relate with. If I could create a man, I would have created my man a long time ago.
Greatest physical asset
That would be my nose.
Education background
I studied Genetics and Biotechnology at the University of Calabar.

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