Monday 15 December 2014

Every entrepreneur should see himself as a staffer of his company

With just N7, 000 in 2006, Adetunji Ifedapo Adebiyi started making shirts for his colleagues. In less than a decade, his brand, Rhobes Clothing Company, now designs for the likes of Ice Prince, MI Abaga, Gbenga Adeyinka, Olamide, Wande Coal and many other A-list artistes. Adetunji, in this interview with
Doyin Adeoye, speaks on his brand, tactics and tips for entrepreneurs, among others.
So I had the desire to make my own stuff, I wanted to wear what I was sure wasn’t everywhere and more so, something I could beat my chest and say is original. So that was how I began my sojourn into fashion and began to draw up sketches and source fabrics to make my own stuff.

Also, I grew up with a seamstress grandmother and that gave me a good understanding, as it was my earliest interaction with fashion. So after I made my first set of shirts which I planned to wear myself, a few friends saw it and said they liked it and I jokingly told them it was for sale and they bought all the shirts off me and then word spread around campus that I made shirts and so began my life as a designer.
When did you decide to take it up professionally?
After my youth service, I was at the crossroad of taking a job or just going on with my business. It wasn’t really a very tough decision though, I had started business from school, I had made my early business mistakes and recovered from them and more so, there really aren’t jobs out there, so I thought to myself, maybe I should just create a job for myself and forget about CV peddling, because if we all want to work for the blue chip companies and the large multinationals, then where would the next generation work. I saw a void and I decided to fill it. Thankfully it paid off.
What were these early business mistakes you made?
Mistakes or failures are usually the soil on which success grows. I made a couple of mistakes at the start, one of which was seeing all money made as money to be spent. I didn’t see the need to separate earnings or begin to put some aside for future purpose. Second, I made the mistake of not paying myself. Every entrepreneur should see themselves as a staff of the company and pay themselves a salary. There shouldn’t be any alternative to this. Without you at the early stages, there is no business. So pay yourself, stay alive and healthy and take holidays when you can afford to.
How were you able to develop your skills?
Developing skills came naturally as there was already a foundation growing up around fashion. Asides that, I was made to understand that there was a business side to fashion, so I bothered more about developing myself as a business person, so I think I’d refer to myself more as a fashion entrepreneur than a fashion designer. I sought to create a system where sketches could be converted to reality and that was the birth of Rhobes Clothing Company and as for training, I’d say I learnt by doing.
How did you handle marketing and gaining a celebrity based clientele while you were just starting? 
Rhobes didn’t start off with a celebrity clientele that boasts of the likes of Ice Prince, Gbenga Adeyinka, Brymo, Endia and so on. Our first set of clients were students as the label was birthed while I was still in school. We made sure that our outfits were very well made as we considered every order as a request to create a masterpiece and outfits that were fit for royals. We used the best of fabrics and the best tailoring, even if that meant profit was low, but then every outfit we made always brought in a new client. Our products sold with the smallest amount of marketing or advertising and till date our biggest entry is still from word of mouth.
What are the secrets of being a successful designer?
The number one secret anyone can have is God. He is the one that makes rich  and adds no sorrow and of course, the customer is king. You wouldn’t have a business if you don’t have customers. I am also an advocate of continuous learning, don’t ever think you know too much.
Besides continuous learning, how else do you develop your craft?
I read and of course, I do a lot of researches as to trends in my field. Also, another way to keep your mind alert and creative is to take holidays and travel.
To name a few, who are the celebrities on your clientele’s list?
Rhobes have had the opportunity to make clothes for Ice prince Zamani, Gbenga Adeyinka the first, Eldee the Don, Bryan Okwara, Gideon Okeke, Capital Femi, MI Abaga, Jesse Jagz, Brymo, Olamide Baddoo, Kayswitch Lee, Dammy Krane Wandecoal and many more others.
What are the tips for being a successful entrepreneur?
I’d say it’s simply about doing what you love. Don’t go into a business because of money only, be sure it is what you enjoy to do, because there will be dry days. What keeps you persistent is the passion which stems from the love you have for what you do. And most importantly, you have to trust solely in God, it is He that gives the power to get wealth.
Besides shirts, what other wears do you make?
Yes I started with shirts, but it is funny that Rhobes is now mostly known for perfectly tailored suits. We also make pants accessories like bowties and sorts.
Looking back, can you recollect the financial stance you started with and how the company has grown since then?
I sold my first shirt in 2006 and I know I invested all my monthly allowance then, which was only N7,000. Now I can say that although we’re not worth billions yet, I’m sure we’ll be on Forbes list someday.
What are the dos and don’ts of the trade?
I know one don’t; don’t ever drop your standard in a bid to make more profit on an order. And the dos; trust God and treat your clients well. Always make effort to mend relationships that go bad.

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