Monday 1 December 2014

‘Lagos taught me to be patient’

Michael Bonny Bassey was the clown of the house at the last Big Brother Africa (BBA) show. The Sierra Leone born actor, model and entertainer was one of the favourite housemates at the show. He speaks with DOYIN ADEOYE about his acting career, style and why he moved to Nigeria, among other things.

What brings you to Nigeria?
The Nigerian entertainment industry is better than that of my country and so I am basically here for my career. I’m here to promote my acting career, as that is what I was into professionally prior to BBA. So I think Nigeria is a good platform for that.

Life after BBA, how was the reception back in Sierra Leone?
It was amazing. That was one of the best times of my life, I found out that people from my country really appreciated me and were proud of me for how I conducted myself in the house. There was an entourage at the airport waiting for me, they had drums, music and instrument, and there were lot of people there, it was really nice.
How would you sum up the BBA experience?
It was one of the best experiences of my life. I got to meet people from different cultures, I learnt a lot, I made new friends and family like Bimp and Beverly, who are both like my siblings now. And if it wasn’t for Big Brother, I wouldn’t have the experience I have right now.
You were more of a clown, you made everyone laugh, you could relate with anyone, is that who you are or were you putting up a show for people to see?
That is just who I am and in fact, other housemates can testify to that. Even after BBA, I am still that clown. I am playful, I like to cook, clean and just be homely. I don’t think anyone can put up a performance for three months, without people seeing through them. So that was just me being me.
What experience from the house do you hold dear to your heart?
I love parties on Saturdays. That was when you get to see real characters of people, when they are drunk and do things they would not do in their right senses. Those were really fun moments.
So, how is the acting career coming up in Nigeria?
It has not been easy as I felt it would be, but we are getting there. There are people that have been helping out, so the movies that I have featured in should be out soon. Acting is a gradual process, you don’t become big overnight. You just have to give it time and it will work out. Like they say, surulere, patience is virtue.
That is quite smooth, what other lessons have you learnt in Lagos?
Surulere. Lagos has taught me how to be patient, you don’t have to push things. If you want everything to be done all at once, you will just go down the drain and you’ll end up doing things you don’t want to do, or going to places you don’t want to go. So you just have to be patient and things will come. Trust in God and it will happen.
Besides Surulere, what slangs have you learnt?
I know Ooosshe! I like Yoruba a lot. I’ve learnt pele, ki lo n sele and some other day to day words. I have also come to understand a little of Igbo, although I don’t speak it, Beverly speaks Igbo most times, so I understand a little of it.
People believe that you had a thing for the Kenyan housemate, Annabel, but you didn’t really push it…
I never had a thing for Annabel.  I was close with everybody. I never had a fight or gossiped with anyone. Annabel is a really cool person and she was up for eviction every Sunday, she was stressed and I felt pity for her. We were just playing around.
Was it because she is older?
I never wanted Annabel, or a relationship in the house. I never went there for a girlfriend. I went there for the money and that was my main focus. And of course I was the youngest guy in the house and except for Beverly, all the other ladies were older than me. I went there for the money and being with anyone would be a distraction for me. But we’ve been good friends after the show and we talk often.
Bimp put you up for eviction, that must have made you really angry. But you both are best of friends, how did you settle the differences?
When I was evicted, I wanted to kill Bimp. In fact, I did an interview and I said I wanted to put him on fire when he was outside the house. Anybody at that time would be hurt. I wanted the money as much as he did, it was a game.
I would have never imagined the life we live right now, myself and Bimp being really good friends. You know, never say never, you never know how things can work out. In fact, I gave him a lot of attitude when we went back for the finals, I wouldn’t talk to him even when he approached him. But then I looked back, he was closer to everyone at that time, than he was to me, so he didn’t have much choice and it was my fate, I wasn’t meant to win the money.
Words went round that you have become Airtel ambassador, how true is that?
Yes, Airtel contacted me back at home to be an ambassador, which they announced publicly in the conference they had, but they never contacted me after. So, that was it.
Where did the passion for acting come from?
I’ve always had the passion for acting. I strated acting since I was four years old, I always played the lead role in all my school plays, for one reason or the other. I was the president of the drama group in my secondary school, and I won the award for the best actor in my second school, twice in a row.
I started going for auditions when I was around 16, but I was rejected because I was either too skinny or light skinned, so there was no one to play my mother or father. So I was determined to show people that I can do it and in 2012, I featured in a movie, which got me the award of the best actor in Sierra Leone.
You have plans to start your own clothing line, what should people expect and how is that coming up?
It is coming up well and I have people working with me. They are working on the designs at the moment, so hopefully, it will be launched very soon. For a start, I’m working on T-shirt for guys and I promise that it will be something really comfortable.
So, what do you think of Sulu’s track, Ruby Ruby?
He performed it at the finals and everyone was surprised. It is a really beautiful song. I have it on my phone and in fact, it is Beverly’s ring tone. Honestly, I’m proud of Sulu for that, it is a hit, danceable and everyone likes it.
How did you feel after the show, knowing that your naked pictures were all over the internet?
I shower alone and naked. And when I left BBA and got back to school, I realised that my pictures and video were everywhere. At first, I didn’t want to see them, but later, I decided to. I was there in the shower, singing and everyone saw it. Honestly, I didn’t really feel bad about it, it was what I signed up for.
How has the reception been from Nigerians?
Nigerians are so welcoming. It is amazing, people recognise you and it is a good feeling that they like you for your character. They are so addicted to the Big Brother show, that they know us so well. They tell us things we didn’t even remember we did in the house. And one of such was the time I was drunk in the house and we were playing spinning the bottle. I don’t remember much, but I was told I was swimming on the ground and laughing. It was really hilarious.
At 23, you have a lot ahead of you, how are you managing fame and what are your plans for the future?
This is what I’ve always wanted in my life. I’ve always wanted to be an actor and being in the spotlight. I love the attention. This is what I wanted since I was a child and this is just the beginning.
Favourite vacation spot?
I like Dubai, it is a very beautiful. And I also love Rome, it’s also amazing and beautiful. The smell of cheese and pizza everywhere is so welcoming.
You were adopted, can you talk more about that?
My foster dad is a Nigerian, he is from Akwa-Ibom, although he was born and raised in Sierra Leone. My mother is from Sierra Leone. I was adopted at two months old and it is a really emotional lane that I don’t like going down.
What’s your fashion sense?
I like to dress up. For my body type, I can pull off anything. I design most of the things I wear. I try to know what is trending and get them. I know how to recycle my clothes. I’m a fashionista, model and designer in the making.
Favourite accessory?
I love glasses, especially Ray Bans.
Are you into any relationship now?
I’m not into any serious relationship now. I don’t even believe in love. I don’t believe it exists. It might be between family members and friends, but not in relationships. I don’t believe in that.
What can’t you do without doing?
I love food. I am a food freak and I eat a lot. I am just so lucky that I don’t get fat. But I love food a lot. In Nigeria, I love Indomie, it is the best. And for local dishes, I love afang food with periwinkles and Semo. And I love Ofe Nsala soup and catfish. I just love food a lot.

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